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Private Equity

  • Fund eligible for the Portugal Golden Visa
  • Minimum €500,000 investment
  • Unparalleled track record within the Portuguese market
  • Average historical return of 3x, across different classes of assets and in different macroeconomic contexts

Equity Consolidation & Buyouts


Up to


Strategy & Opportunity
  • Equity investment in private companies
  • Consolidation of a fragmented sector
  • International expansion
  • Professionalization of the management (p.e. family owned companies)

1. Investment Strategy

The investment fund targets SMEs, scalable businesses, and high-growth sectors with EBITDA between €2M and €22M, focusing on entities with high growth potential across multiple areas, while remaining sector-agnostic.

Solid investment thesis, supported by value creation levers implemented and proven in dozens of transactions, which is based on a range of successive procedures to be adopted for each investment. Equity Consolidation & Buyouts fund will be based on a transparent management that respects the interests and objectives of the various stakeholders.


Buildup project aiming to consolidate the PT funeral homes market (target of 30 companies in 5 years).

Company Profile

  • Greenfield project aimed to consolidate the Portuguese funeral services market, through a Buy & Build of local operators with the target acquisition of 30 establishments in 5 years.
  • Entry into a large, predictable, non-cyclical and highly fragmented market amounting to €250m of revenues and 125k services/year.

Global player in the design and manufacture of photovoltaic mounting systems.

Company Profile

  • Global key player in the design and manufacture of photovoltaic mounting systems, with a demonstrated track record of 2.5 GW installed in the EU, Middle East, Africa and America.
  • Operating in ~30 countries with ~80% of international turnover, it serves clients who are renowned international players in the energy production and EPC sectors.

2. Differentiation Factors

Positioned in the mid-sized fund segment and focused on Equity/Buyouts opportunities (with only a very limited number of other funds operating in the same or similar segments).
Skin in the game of the management, much higher than the Portuguese market average.
Proven experience in the Iberian market over the last 18 years.
Concern and high commitment with the implementation of a well- defined ESG strategy, from the opportunity analysis to the exit stage.
Performance-driven, seeking multiplication of invested capital vs fees over assets under management.

3. Key Numbers

Invest in scalable businesses and high-growth sectors, targeting an average return of 3 times the invested capital.

Investment: 500,000 €
Fund Duration: 10 years
Investment Period: 5 years

Why Draycott?


Years in the field


Professional Funds:
+1.8B of capital raised


Average Historical Returns


Total Firepower


We streamline the investment process to acquire a Portuguese Golden Visa.

Our team will:
  • Provide you all information regarding the Portugal Golden Visa process, benefits and investment requirements.
  • Help you discover which investment fund and solution best fits your interest as an investor.
  • Ensure to support you during the Golden Visa acquisition process.

You can reach us for additional questions at:

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